

tips and tricks to teach English in France

Year: 2014

#The Program

OFII- the much hyped rendez-vous!

Right from the time, I received my paperwork formality details in India from the French Embassy, the scariest thing was OFII (de l’Office Français d’Immigration et de l’Intégration). Why?– It’s the OFII sticker on your passport that validates your long […]


I love you! :)

I don’t think I told you this before but sometimes France seems bland without you guys. I was in Monaco yesterday. I will update more about Monaco in a separate post. This one is to tell you that I missed […]


Because kids are universal!

For my students in India. Yes, I have taught young kids in India. And now I am teaching a bunch of teenagers here in France. It’s funny how despite all the differences (cultural, social, political, etc.), kids are just the […]

#About France

Dear Papa and Mumma!

Dear Papa and Mumma, This letter is for you. I know you’re worried about how it is going with me. The initial days of settling in a new country are not always easy, but then that’s how you learn. It’s […]