

tips and tricks to teach English in France



It’s Christmas time!

Hey Hey English Assistants ! I am currently in India, and missing Parisian Christmas! Missing the appetizing smell of Churros, Wish to drown into the pitchers of mulled wine. Take me to the markets full of nougat, crepes and waffles, […]


Lesson Plan #2

Hello again, So here I go with another lesson plan and I have named it. ‘Lights will guide you home’ because I love the song and the title! First things first, it’s an activity that involves giving directions. Feel free […]


Une lettre pour mes élèves!

Vous êtes les meilleurs ! Mes chers chers élèves ! J’espère que vous vous souvenez de moi? Je suis bien rentrée en Inde, et je pense souvent à vous. Penserez-vous, pourquoi je vous écris cette lettre ? Je vous écris cette lettre parce […]


A Letter to My Kids :-)

That was the first time that your mother stepped out of India. And what a beautiful first time!
She was 25 at that time, and she didn’t have a boy friend. She fell in love with a Radio Jockey once, and then with an engineer. But as they say, not all love stories have a happy ending. Your mother was scared of falling in love,